Step-by-Step Guide on Cleansing and Charging Black Onyx

Black Onyx is a powerful stone that has been revered for centuries for its protective and grounding properties. Whether you recently acquired a piece of black onyx jewelry or you’ve been working with black onyx in your spiritual practice, it’s important to cleanse and charge the stone regularly to maintain its energy and effectiveness.

Cleansing black onyx is crucial to remove any negative energy or unwanted vibrations that may have accumulated in the stone over time. Charging black onyx, on the other hand, helps to amplify its natural properties and enhance its energy.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of cleansing and charging black onyx, so you can continue to benefit from its powerful energy.

Section 1: Cleansing Black Onyx

Black Onyx is a powerful protective stone that absorbs negative energy and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. However, it is important to cleanse and charge your Black Onyx regularly to maintain its effectiveness. Here are some steps you can follow to cleanse your Black Onyx:

  1. Water Cleansing: To cleanse your Black Onyx with water, you can simply hold it under running water or immerse it in a bowl of water. As you do so, visualize the negative energy being washed away and replaced with positive energy. You can also add a few drops of mild soap to the water for extra cleansing. Rinse the stone thoroughly afterwards to remove any soap residue.
  2. Salt Cleansing: Another way to cleanse your Black Onyx is by using salt. Fill a bowl with dry sea salt or Himalayan salt and bury your Black Onyx in it. Leave it overnight or for a few hours to allow the salt to absorb the negative energy. Afterward, rinse the stone under running water to remove any salt residue.
  3. Smudging: Smudging is a traditional method of cleansing using smoke. You can cleanse your Black Onyx by passing it through the smoke of sacred herbs such as sage, cedar, or palo santo. As you do so, visualize the smoke purifying the stone and removing any negative energy. Make sure to extinguish the herb bundle or stick properly after use.
  4. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique that can be used to cleanse your Black Onyx. Hold the stone in your hand and close your eyes. Visualize a bright light surrounding the stone and penetrating through it, removing any negative energy. You can also visualize the stone being immersed in a purifying light or being cleansed by a waterfall. Trust your intuition and visualize what feels right for you.
  5. Recharging: After cleansing your Black Onyx, it is important to recharge it to restore its energy. You can recharge your Black Onyx by placing it in direct sunlight or moonlight. The energy from the sun or moon will help to replenish and revitalize the stone. Leave your Black Onyx in the sunlight or moonlight for a few hours or overnight for optimal recharging.

By regularly cleansing and charging your Black Onyx, you can ensure that it remains energetically clear and ready to provide you with its protective benefits.

Purifying with Moonlight

Another method for cleansing and charging your black onyx is by using the energy of the moon. This method is especially effective during a full moon, as the moon’s energy is at its strongest. Here’s how you can purify your black onyx with moonlight:

  1. Choose a clear night when the moon is visible in the sky.
  2. Find a safe and clean spot where you can place your black onyx. It can be a windowsill or an outdoor area where it can receive direct moonlight.
  3. Place your black onyx in the moonlight and leave it there overnight. Make sure it is not exposed to any rain or excessive moisture.
  4. In the morning, retrieve your black onyx and thank the moon for its cleansing energy.
  5. Your black onyx is now purified and recharged with the moon’s energy and ready to be used.

Remember to repeat this process periodically, especially during full moons, to maintain the energetic purity of your black onyx.

Smudging with Sage

Smudging is a traditional Native American practice that involves the burning of sacred herbs, such as sage, to cleanse and purify a space or object. It is believed that smudging can help remove negative energy and promote positivity.

To smudge your black onyx, you will need a bundle of dried sage leaves, commonly known as a smudge stick. Here’s how you can perform the smudging ritual:

  1. Prepare your space: Find a quiet and well-ventilated area where you can perform the smudging ritual. Open windows and doors to allow the negative energy to escape.
  2. Light the smudge stick: Hold one end of the smudge stick and light the other end using a match or a lighter. Allow the flame to burn for a few seconds, and then blow it out, so that the sage leaves start to smolder and release smoke.
  3. Hold the black onyx: Take your black onyx crystal in your non-dominant hand and hold it in front of you.
  4. Pass the black onyx through the smoke: Slowly move the black onyx through the smoke generated by the smudge stick, allowing the smoke to surround and cleanse the crystal. Visualize the negative energy being released and replaced with positive energy.
  5. Repeat if necessary: If you feel that your black onyx needs further cleansing, you can repeat the process a few more times.
  6. Extinguish the smudge stick: Once you have finished smudging, gently extinguish the smudge stick by pressing it against a fireproof container or by smothering it with sand or salt.

Remember to approach smudging with respect and a clear intention. It is important to set a positive and peaceful mindset before performing the ritual.

Disclaimer: The metaphysical properties of black onyx and smudging are based on beliefs and should not replace professional medical advice or treatment.

Soaking in Saltwater

In order to cleanse and charge your black onyx, you can soak it in saltwater. This method is particularly effective for removing negative energy and purifying the stone.

To begin, fill a bowl or container with lukewarm water. Add a tablespoon of sea salt to the water and stir until it dissolves. It’s important to use sea salt instead of table salt, as sea salt is believed to have more cleansing properties.

Next, place your black onyx in the saltwater solution and let it soak for at least four hours or overnight. During this time, the saltwater will draw out any negative energy that may be stored within the stone.

While your black onyx is soaking, you can take the opportunity to meditate or visualize positive energy flowing into the stone. This can help enhance the cleansing and charging process.

After the allotted time has passed, carefully remove the black onyx from the saltwater and rinse it under running water. As you do this, visualize any remaining negative energy being washed away.

Finally, dry the black onyx with a soft cloth and place it in a location where it can absorb positive energy, such as a windowsill or near a plant. This will help to recharge the stone and restore its natural energy.

Remember to cleanse and charge your black onyx regularly to maintain its optimal energetic properties. Soaking it in saltwater is just one method you can use, but it is a powerful and effective way to cleanse and charge this beautiful stone.

Section 2: Charging Black Onyx

Charging black onyx is an important step in maintaining its spiritual energy and cleansing any negative vibrations it may have absorbed. Here are some methods you can use to charge your black onyx:


Place your black onyx in direct sunlight for several hours to charge it. The sun’s energy is a powerful source that can help cleanse and recharge your black onyx.


Another effective method is to charge your black onyx under the moonlight. The energy of the moon is soothing and can help restore and balance the energy of your black onyx.

Crystal Cluster:

You can also charge your black onyx by placing it on a crystal cluster. Crystal clusters have the ability to amplify and cleanse the energy of other crystals, including black onyx.


Using selenite is another effective method to charge your black onyx. Selenite has a high vibration and can help cleanse and charge other crystals, including black onyx.

Choose the charging method that resonates with you the most and leave your black onyx to charge for at least a few hours. You can also set an intention or say a positive affirmation while charging your black onyx to enhance its energy.

Remember to cleanse your black onyx regularly and charge it whenever you feel its energy is low or it has absorbed negative vibrations. By taking care of your black onyx, you can enjoy its protective and grounding properties for years to come.

Harnessing the Power of Sunlight

Sunlight is a powerful natural resource that can be harnessed to cleanse and charge black onyx. The sun’s rays have a purifying and energizing effect that can help to restore the crystal’s energy and clear away any negative or stagnant energy it may have picked up.

To harness the power of sunlight, start by finding a sunny spot where you can place your black onyx. Ideally, this spot should be outside, as the direct contact with the sun’s rays will have the greatest effect. However, if you don’t have access to an outdoor space, you can also place your crystal near a sunny window indoors.

Before exposing your black onyx to sunlight, it’s important to cleanse it first. This can be done by rinsing the crystal under cool running water and visualizing any negative energy being washed away. Once cleansed, gently pat the crystal dry with a soft cloth.

Once your black onyx is cleansed, find a safe and secure place to lay it out in the sunlight. It’s best to choose a clean surface, such as a piece of white cloth or a natural material like wood or stone. This will prevent any dirt or debris from transferring to the crystal.

Allow your black onyx to bask in the sunlight for at least a few hours, but longer exposure can be beneficial. While it’s soaking up the sun’s energy, you can also visualize the crystal being filled with light and positive energy. This will further enhance its cleansing and charging process.

After the desired amount of time, carefully remove your black onyx from the sunlight and thank the sun for its energy. You can then carry out any further cleansing or charging rituals that you feel are necessary, such as smudging or using sound vibrations.

Remember, harnessing the power of sunlight is just one method to cleanse and charge black onyx. You can also explore other techniques, such as using moonlight, saltwater, or crystals like selenite or clear quartz. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you and your black onyx.

Energizing with Crystal Cluster

Energizing black onyx can be done by using a crystal cluster. Crystal clusters are a formation of multiple crystals growing together, often with a larger central crystal surrounded by smaller ones. They are known for their ability to amplify and cleanse the energy of other crystals.

To energize your black onyx, follow these steps:

1. Find a crystal cluster: Look for a crystal cluster that resonates with you. It can be a clear quartz cluster, amethyst cluster, or any other type of crystal cluster that you feel drawn to.

2. Cleanse the crystal cluster: Before using the crystal cluster, cleanse it to remove any negative or stagnant energy it may have accumulated. You can cleanse it by rinsing it under running water, smudging it with sage or palo santo, or placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.

3. Set your intention: Hold the crystal cluster in your hands and set your intention to energize your black onyx. Visualize the energy flowing from the crystal cluster into the black onyx, cleansing and recharging it.

4. Place the black onyx on the crystal cluster: Gently place your black onyx on top of the crystal cluster. Allow it to sit there for at least a few hours or overnight, allowing the energy of the crystal cluster to infuse into the black onyx.

5. Thank the crystal cluster: After energizing your black onyx, express gratitude to the crystal cluster for its assistance. You can do this by holding the crystal cluster in your hands and saying a simple thank you or by offering a small token of appreciation, such as a crystal or flower.

6. Use your energized black onyx: Once your black onyx has been energized, you can use it for its intended purpose, whether it’s for protection, grounding, or enhancing intuition. Remember to cleanse and recharge your black onyx regularly to maintain its energy.

By following these steps, you can effectively energize your black onyx using a crystal cluster. Enjoy the renewed energy and benefits that come from working with cleansed and charged crystals!

Questions and answers:

What is black onyx and why is it important to cleanse and charge it?

Black onyx is a type of chalcedony quartz that is often used in jewelry and spiritual practices. It is believed to have protective and grounding properties. Cleansing and charging black onyx is important to remove any negative energies it may have absorbed and to restore its energetic properties.

How often should I cleanse and charge my black onyx?

The frequency of cleansing and charging black onyx depends on how often you use it and how much it is exposed to negative energies. As a general guideline, it is recommended to cleanse and charge black onyx once a month or whenever you feel its energy is becoming dull or heavy.

What are some methods for cleansing black onyx?

There are several methods you can use to cleanse black onyx. You can place it under running water, bury it in the earth for a few hours, or smudge it with sage or palo santo. You can also cleanse it using sound vibrations by placing it near a singing bowl or using a tuning fork.

How do I charge black onyx?

To charge black onyx, you can place it in sunlight or moonlight for several hours. You can also charge it by placing it on a bed of quartz crystals or by visualizing white light surrounding and penetrating the stone. Another method is to use a charging plate or a metal bowl filled with sea salt.

Can I cleanse and charge black onyx with other crystals?

Yes, you can cleanse and charge black onyx by placing it on a bed of quartz crystals or by using other cleansing crystals such as selenite or amethyst. These crystals have purifying and energizing properties that can help cleanse and charge black onyx effectively.

What is black onyx?

Black onyx is a type of chalcedony, which is a variety of quartz. It is a black gemstone with a smooth and polished surface.

How do I know if my black onyx needs cleansing?

If you feel like your black onyx has become dull or has lost its energy, it may be a sign that it needs cleansing. You can also use your intuition to determine if it needs cleansing.

What is the purpose of cleansing black onyx?

The purpose of cleansing black onyx is to remove any negative or stagnant energy that may have accumulated in the stone. By cleansing it, you can restore its natural energy and vibrancy.

How often should I cleanse my black onyx?

It is recommended to cleanse your black onyx whenever you feel like it has become dull or has lost its energy. You can also cleanse it periodically, for example, once a month or once every few months, to maintain its positive energy.

How do I charge my black onyx?

To charge your black onyx, you can place it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. You can also bury it in the earth overnight or use other methods such as using a crystal charging plate or placing it next to a clear quartz crystal.

What is black onyx and why is it important to cleanse and charge it?

Black onyx is a type of gemstone that is believed to have powerful protective and grounding properties. It is important to cleanse and charge black onyx to remove any negative energy it may have absorbed and to restore its natural energy and effectiveness.

How often should I cleanse and charge black onyx?

It is recommended to cleanse and charge black onyx at least once a month, or more frequently if you use it frequently or feel that its energy is becoming dull or heavy.

What is the best method for cleansing black onyx?

There are several methods you can use to cleanse black onyx, including rinsing it under running water, placing it in a bowl of saltwater, or using smudging techniques with sage or palo santo. Choose the method that resonates with you the most.

Can I cleanse black onyx with other crystals?

Yes, you can cleanse black onyx by placing it on a cleansing crystal such as clear quartz, selenite, or amethyst. These crystals have purifying properties that can help remove negative energy from black onyx.

How can I charge black onyx after cleansing it?

After cleansing black onyx, you can charge it by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, burying it in the earth, or using visualization and intention to infuse it with positive energy. Choose the charging method that feels right for you.

Why is it important to cleanse and charge black onyx?

Cleansing and charging black onyx is important because it helps to remove any negative energies or vibrations that may have attached to the stone. Charging the stone also helps to enhance its natural properties and energies.

How often should black onyx be cleansed and charged?

It is recommended to cleanse and charge black onyx at least once a month, or more frequently if you use the stone for intense healing or protection purposes. Pay attention to your intuition and if you feel that the stone’s energy is becoming dull or heavy, it may be time for cleansing and charging.

What is the best method to cleanse black onyx?

There are several effective methods to cleanse black onyx. One common method is to place the stone under running water for a few minutes, visualizing any negative energies being washed away. You can also cleanse the stone by smudging it with sage or placing it in a bowl of sea salt overnight. Choose the method that resonates with you the most.